
Whether you build, forge, weld, or anything else, there's a craft in the Society for you!
Crafting is one of the most common activities in the Society! Our artisans study and create works from nearly every type of craft from the Middle Ages. Collectively, we call the study of the various production, research, and performing crafts, "arts and sciences." At many Society events, you will be able to watch artisans recreating these crafts and often take classes and workshops where you can learn to do them yourself. Some of our events are entirely dedicated to demonstrating and learning medieval crafts!
Construction Crafts
Construction crafts play a big role in our activities. Many of the pieces of armor that you see our combatants wearing were handcrafted by those same combatants or other artisans in the Society and the handiwork of the construction crafts adorn nearly every facet of Society life.
Leathercraft is a very common activity, both those projects that end up in completed pieces of armor and other more artistic endeavors such as leather costume components, pouches, and other accessories.
Metalwork and casting are also common crafting pursuits, from the platesmithing and mailsmithing that results in metal armor to beautifully cast jewelry and coins made of pewter and silver to ornate coronets and crowns worn by our nobility.
Woodwork in the Society creates a multitude of useful and beautiful items, from simple and functional chairs and boxes to hand-tooled medallions and signs, to intricately fashioned thrones and even full castle facades and buildings.
Sciences and Other Arts
Many Society members explore a varied list of sciences as they recreate the Middle Ages. These sciences include botany, astronomy, stillroom crafts, cartography, siege engineering and physics, mathematics, languages, and many more. Some of the most fascinating classes and workshops found at Society events are on topics as varied as charting the heavens with an astrolabe to creating your own tallow candles.
The fine arts and more are also well represented in the SCA. Many Society members take up painting and drawing as their chosen pursuit and produce beautiful works of art from Renaissance-style portraits to triptychs portraying medieval life. Members study stained glass and glassblowing, sculpture, wirework, and more as they recreate every aspect of the Middle Ages.
There are literally hundreds of arts and sciences you could take up in the SCA. Even more than watching others perform these crafts, the highest importance is placed on sharing the knowledge behind them with others who want to learn. If you see someone doing or working on something that interests you, just ask!
If you're interested in learning more about crafting activities or trying them out, contact the Arts and Sciences Officer of your nearest branch to find out when and where classes and workshops are held!