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Heraldry and Scribal

The world of heraldry and scribal arts encompasses a number of arts and services within the SCA.


ConsulterElementNumThere are many ways in which the historical art of heraldry plays a role in the Society. Heralds help participants research and construct medieval names from historical sources and design and display heraldic imagery known as devices (commonly called “coats of arms”) and badges.

At our events, heralds often serve as a “master of ceremonies” and can be found delivering announcements, introducing tournament combatants, reading proclamations and scrolls, and more.

Heraldry is the visual, personal shout-out of the Middle Ages. It proclaims to everybody, “This is me!” “I am here!” “Rally ’round, my followers!” Use your heraldry at every chance you get to let your presence be known and to add color and pageantry to our events. — Freiherr Albrecht Waldfurster

Calligraphy and Illumination

Some of the most evocative artifacts that have survived from the Middle Ages are beautifully crafted scrolls, books, and manuscripts. Scribes in the Society maintain this art through calligraphy, the writing styles of the medieval and Renaissance world, and illumination, the practice of painting and inking artwork alongside the writing.

The scribal arts are a common facet of Society life, since most awards and honors given to recognize service and skill are accompanied by handcrafted scrolls which document and celebrate the honor. Scribes also use these artistic techniques to memorialize the history of our Society, to beautify documents and manuscripts for Society use, and more!

If you’re interested in learning more about heraldry, contact the Herald or Pursuivant of your nearest branch to find out when and where classes and workshops are held.  To learn more about the scribal arts and creating scrolls for awards, contact your kingdom’s Principal Scribe or Signet.